Welcome to Witwatersrand Lodge

If you are interested in joining Freemasonry, or are interested in Freemasonry in general, you have come to the right site. Information specific to joining Freemasonry can be found here: How to Join

About Us

Witwatersrand Lodge is a Freemasons' Lodge under the English Constitution meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa. It was consecrated on 1 May 1915 as Transvaal Masters Lodge, a Lodge for Installed Masters. In 1949 its charter was endorsed to become Witwatersrand Lodge, an ordinary Lodge. 2015 was our Centenary Year.

This web-site has been designed to provide a brief and general insight into Masonry to non-masons and as an introduction to WITWATERSRAND LODGE No. 3745 to fellow Freemasons throughout the world.


Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that has been in existence for hundreds of years. Today there are Freemasons of some form in almost every corner of the globe. Freemasonry is not a weird cult, its members are all "regular good guys" and are upstanding members of society. Freemasons practise Charity, they promote truth, honesty and fairness. They are secular but all members believe in a Supreme Being, be they Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or almost any other religion. Freemasons do not discuss religion or politics in any of their gatherings and promise to uphold the laws of the land. Freemasonry is NOT a secret society.

For more information on the subject of Freemasonry, go to our page about Freemasonry

Join Freemasonry

Are you interested in becoming a Freemason? Do you want to learn something about Freemasonry? Was your grandfather a Freemason but beyond that you know very little? This website has some interesting links and information, we have several pages on How to Join Freemasonry.

What do Freemasons Do?

Freemasons hold regular meetings, typically four to twelve times a year, depending on the Lodge. At these meetings we do the normal business that most organisations would do, such as approving minutes of previous meetings, financial reports, voting on resolutions or considering applications for membership. These would then be followed by a ceremony to admit a new member or advance an existing member to a higher level. Sometimes a lecture on an intersting topic is presented.


We hold social events for members and their families and friends several times a year. These could be theatre events, dinners, lunches, music evenings, a few cool beverages or just a cup of coffee. Freemasonry is very social and you make many new friends through Masonry.


We have several charity events to raise money for various registered charities. Our main annual charity event is a Clay Pigeon Shoot. We also support several small charities, both physically and financially.


Wits Lodge hold 8 regular meetings a year, one of which is our Installation meeting.

Regular Meetings

3rd Monday of February, March, May, June, August, October and November at 6:30pm.

Installation Meeting

3rd Monday of January at 6:30pm, visitors at 7:15pm.


We have a formal dinner at Freemasons Hall after our meetings.


We welcome members of other Lodges to our meetings.

Freemasonry on the Internet

Please bear in mind that a great deal of the information about Freemasonry on the internet is not correct.

All the links on this site are to what we believe are reliable and honest web sites, and we make sure all the information on this site is correct.

If you find an error, please let us know.

We have heard reports of people paying money to agents on the internet to join Freemasonry. That is not how Freemasonry works. If you were to join a Lodge, you would meet with several members in person to get to know each other, you would then apply to join, your application would be voted on by the members of the Lodge and only then would you be required to pay any fees. You need to live near the Lodge you join to enable you to attend meetings regularly. Any "Introductory" fees are probably a scam. The process of joining involves a ceremony in a physical Lodge, not the buying of a certificate or joining a virtual Lodge.

The process of joing a Lodge takes anything from 4 months to several years, depending on various factors. It is not something that should be rushed.

If you are interested in becoming a Freemason, please look at How to Join Freemasonry.

The Finger

Freemasonry is founded on the immutable laws of Truth and Justice and its grand object is to promote the happiness of the human race.

George Whashington (Freemason and former President of the US)
The Finger>

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

Plato (Not a Freemason)
The Finger

The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.

Mark Twain (Freemason and American Writer)
The Finger>

Freemasonry teaches not merely temperance, fortitude, prudence, justice, brotherly love, relief, and truth, but liberty, equality, and fraternity, and it denounces ignorance, superstition, bigotry, lust, tyranny and despotism.

Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason and former President of the US)

Meet The Team

Some of the members of the Lodge

The Finger
JohnSW, Past Master

Joined the Lodge in 1996 and has been WM several times. A real stalwart of the Lodge.


Initiated into Wits Lodge in 2013, has steadily made his way up through the Lodge.


Inner Guard and an active member of the Lodge.

ChrisHonorary Member

Chris joined the Lodge in 2001, became an honorary member in 2017.


Freemasons Worldwide


English Freemasons Worldwide


English Freemasons in SA


Freemasons in SA

Links to other Masonic Web Sites

For more information and some other useful websites



  • Master and Wardens
    Master and Wardens
  • UL Festive Board
    University Lodge Festive Board
  • Wardens
  • Wardens and SD
    Wardens and Senior Deacon
  • Travelling Gavel
    Winning the Travelling Gavel
  • New FC
    A new Fellow Craft
  • Members
    Members of Wits
  • A Toast
    A Toast
  • No Cell Phones at Dinner
    No Cell Phones at Dinner

Recent Events

What has been happening in Wits Lodge

Univ FB

Installation meeting 2022

By Jalepino |
Chimane was Installed as the Master of the Lodge. Fantastic to see Chimane work his way up the Lodge and now is our leader. Congratulations!

Initiation Ceremony

By Jalepino |
We welcomed Sydney to our Lodge at a wonderful Initiation Ceremony. We look forward to many years with Sydney in our Lodge. Due to the lockdown he has not managed to do much more in Masonry though I believe he is now reading up on all sorts of Masonic items.

Passing Ceremony

By Jalepino |
Bro Donovan was passed to the second degree at our February meeting. Donovan is thriving in Masonry and is the Charity Steward for the year.


By Jalepino |
We held our annual Installation Ceremony on Monday 20 January 2020. WBro Tim took the chair and Bros Chimane and Price took the Senior and Junior Wardens' chairs respectively. We wish them and the whole Lodge a fantastic year.

November Meeting

By Jalepino |
At our November 2019 meeting we voted for the Master etc. for the upcoming Masonic year and then retired for the year-end dinner with wives and partners.

Passing Ceremony

By Jalepino |
Brother Thabani took his second step in Freemasonry and became a Fellow Craft. Great to see the keen new members progressing in the Lodge. An awesome working performed by the Master, Wardens and members of the Lodge.

Donations to Charity

Lodges give to Charities directly and to The District who make large and small annual contributions to Charities and Grants to those in need.

  • Major Charities

  • R1,000,000 each
  • Reach for Recovery 2005
  • CHOC 2006
  • Headway 2007
  • Childline 2009
  • Hamlet Foundation 2011
  • More
  • Other Charities

  • SOS Childrens Village
  • St Johns Ambulance
  • Boys & Girls Town
  • Women against Rape
  • Maaita Primary School
  • More
  • Lodge Charities

  • Wits Lodge support various
  • small charities directly
  • such as
  • Casa Caritas childrens home
  • Blankets to street children

Contact Information

6 Park Lane
Johannesburg 2194
South Africa


The Secretary
Witwatersrand Lodge
P.O.Box 6980
Birchleigh 1621
South Africa
